Thursday, March 4, 2010

3-Day Potty Training day 1.

Many of you know I am attempting the 3 day potty training method by Laura Jensen. Today was day one and it proved to be very challenging. Many people are asking 'why am I taking this approach"? Well, it is because when I do accomplish this feat, and I mean feat, look how far ahead of the game I will be. Those of you who know me know I am always ahead of the game!

We started out great. Made a big deal about getting rid of all the final diapers, each floor! Then the final diaper, the one on his bum. We stepped into the big boy pants and we were off. This method is all based on love, positive reinforcement and consistency. We had many accidents and by the end of the day mom was getting spent but I just remembered what I would get out of this when I complete it. By night fall Tristan was running to the potty, he hadn't gone in it yet but he was getting there.

Overnight he woke up wet. Tonight I will probably sleep in there to keep an eye on him.

Bye Bye diapers in the bedroom...

... by the kitchen...

...and in the basement!

...and finally, the one on my bum!

I am a big boy now!


Unknown said...

Tristan looks great in big boy undies! As soon as your done, I'm gonna bring Kiesan over to ya to train. Seems how you have perfected the art of potty training now!!

Unknown said...
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lisa said...

okay sis i saw this and started to cry only because he is growing up before my eyes. to see that was so darn cute.