Friday, February 21, 2014

Surprise, Surprise! Mema we are on our way! Watch out Texas!

Mema turns 70 this year. We have had a trick up our sleeve for some time now. My goal, get all of the grand kids to Texas for Mema's birthday as a surprise! All well and good until Eric got an extra thirty days. All in all we did pretty good we made it to Texas with 5 of the 6 kids. This will be a feat in itself.

First stop, Lisa's work! Time to drop off the bait since we though Mema new we were coming since Garrett mentioned it in his Christmas card.

On our way!

 The scene of the crime.

Waiting for confirmation...

Lisa goes into work with Garrett to lay the bait. e has used every last penny to get to Texas because his Dad had kicked him out. I would have paid money to see it : )
Time for us!

Sign in.

Unfolding live in Texas!


Time for BBQ

Look what I found all the way down here in Texas...

Headed to Galveston
1715 Broadway
We rented a house for the weekend 1916 historic house.

Tristan's first stop...
the beach.

Time for family dinner.

The house was full of antiques.
Yes, antiques.
The entire family got the heads up to be careful and who ends up breaking a table?
That would be my husband.

Did I mention it was the beginning of Madi Gras? Funny thing is we did not know this till we got down here! Tristan was ready!

Quality rocking chair time.

Tex and I snuck out for a drive and found some ice cream.
Boy way it good!

When we came home the entire family was playing "I doubt that". This is what it is called when you play the game of "Bullshit" with a six year old...
I doubt that! OMG they were having a blast!

The house was filled with these porcelain dolls. Apparently there is a movie out here that makes these pretty scary to some... JR. That is all good when you are an adult. When you chat about it around a 6 year old then start moving dolls around and putting money in there hands it can make for an interesting weekend.


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