Saturday, April 20, 2019

Easter weekend in Idaho Falls

Upon our arrival these two lovely ladies had already had a long week at cheer tryouts. Tiera & Kiera were eagerly awaiting the posting of the teams. We arrived about 730 and they were posting about 10 so we all headed down to the school and it was so incredibly intense. So proud of both of them for making the JV squad as Freshman!

Saturday morning brought on the Ammon egg hunt which lasts all of a few minutes : ) That afternoon we took the boys to Ijump. Kevin slaved over a hot stove all day making dutch oven potatoes and Selena game over for dinner and we all hung out a bit before she had to head to St A. After she left the kids died Easter eggs.

Easter morning the boys hunted for eggs and Suzette made homemade noodles! Oh my gosh, I have not had this in years and it did not disappoint! Heather, Selena, the Niederer's and us enjoyed a wonderful family dinner and I would not have it any other way! I love these girls!

It was so nice to have a couple extra nights to hang here! So sad to go home, but Tex made it fun with a stop at Craters of the Moon on the way home across the desert which was absolutely beautiful!


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