Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Sea Side ropes course

Today started out with morning snuggles for Sheree <3 I just love these two!

We decided to venture off shopping before heading to our afternoon at the ropes course with the kids. The kids took a virtual reality ride which was a little anticlimactic, and then we stopped for some elephant ears. 

The ropes course did not appear to be much of a challange for these two until they attempted the final drop. What you don't see here are the failed attempts it took to get to the jumping point. I am so proud of both of them for overcoming their fears! 

This morning while shopping I picked them up both a little suprise. When they were little we would get them these little excavation kits. Todays find would be stones and a geode. I love that they still love them.

After they finished the treasure hunt we headed down to the beach, we watched the bubble man and took some sunset photos. A little too windy for a fire but still fun!


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