Monday, October 31, 2016

Harrison Boulevard! FINALLY!

For years I have been wanting to take the kids trick or treating on Harrison Boulevard. As Paige approaches her teen years I thought Tristan and I would be on our own BUT we swayed her vote one more year. We trumped her friends : ) and I was so glad. We headed to the Z-W's right after school and we were to the Boulevard by 5 pm (after Tristan had a little nap). This was perfect timing we had all of our trick or treating done by 730.This allowed enough time for Paige to go hand out candy with some friends and we headed home to hit a few houses in our neighborhood. We want to go back next year in costume. Can't wait!


Sunday, October 30, 2016

Dart Warz round 2 - Happy 9th Birthday Tristan Jacoby

Another year has past. I can not believe this wonderful boy who graced out life 9 years ago is 9 years old. Everyday he teaches us grace, love and beauty. Tristan Jacoby you are such a blessing and we thank God every day for you and wish you a life of happiness, love, and peace. Thank you all for helping us raise this wonderful little boy!