Friday, May 31, 2024

Time for a new generation of Dance!

Little Miss Hazel had her dance competition today and she was nothing short of amazing, all that sass wrapped up in one little package! You did amazing Hazel.

We love you!


Saturday, May 25, 2024

Meridian High Let's go Hallie graduation # 7

Meridian High and we are off to see Hallie. 

Boy this girl has come a long way! So proud of the bad a$$ she is and always will be. We love you girl and you acan conqore anything you set your mind too!


Owhyee High Graduation #6

This early morning graduation moves 8 of our girls forward. Aydree, Kaidence, Brooklyn, Katelyn, Aiyana, Kaylee, and Gracee. Each of these girls passed through our program in their own time and each of these girls touched our heart in their own perfect way.

I could not be more proud of these girls, they each set out to achieve their goals and thought some may not be in our group any longer we still love then just the same. We wish you each the best life has to offer and continue to pray for each of you and your future.

Go change the world!

After the first graduation Megan, Maren and I headed to The James for lunch.

The start to a lovely day!


Friday, May 24, 2024

BK your up next! Time to celebrate Miss Rachel Graduation #5

Graduation #5 ranked among the best! BK really knows how to throw a party. Loved being outside and the rain stayed away! A lovely rainbow appeared during the ceremony. Congratulations Rachel, go change the world!


Thursday, May 23, 2024

Kuna High Graduation #4 Congrats Ivy!

Who hold a graduation at 230pm on a Thursday? Kuna does. Maren and Megan could not come but I was not going to miss it!

Way to go Ivy, you are going to do great things!

Love you!


Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Next up Capital High Congrats Jollee Graduation #3

I could not be more proud of this young lady. Jollee has worked so hard for so many years, so many changes. I am proud to have even been a little part. Go change the world young lady.

Love you lots!


Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Borah Graduation Jess, Emma, Dakota Graduation #2

And we are off and running. Graduation number 2. Today we celebrate Jess, Emma and Dakota.

Not sure how we are here but we are so we might as well make the best of it. I am forever proud of you girls.

And I might add that I have some rocking co leaders.