Sunday, July 1, 2012

Finding My Focus

     What a month! After 6 months of training and trying to reach one of the largest goals I have ever set for myself I am finally starting to come back around to the fact that I did not reach that goal and there is nothing I can do about it.

     Most of you know that on June 9th I set out to complete my first Ironman 70.3. Those of you who know me also know that I am all about achieving those goals that I set for myself. Not being able to accomplish this goal really took it's toll on me emotionally. Even though the conditions were beyond my control I just let it go strait to my head. My friends and family have been so great in supporting me even though I have not been able to express my true feelings from that day.

      The week following the race I took off just to relax and try to comprehend what took place. Then it was back to training. I headed back to the gym with Austin and also began a slow come back to the swim, bike and run as I do have another race in August. Funny thing was that the brief break really took me for a ride. Monday I had a great spinning class and was feeling pretty good. Come Tuesday I could hardly walk following a killer workout in the gym and then a 3 mile run. Wednesday it was all I could do to get back on my bike after a workout in the gym, but I did it!

     It was not until this week that I really started to find my focus again. I am back to 100% in the gym and got my first substantial time on the bike. Ready to dedicate again and see what the next race has to offer! As for the question everyone is asking... "will you do another 70.3?" The answer is yes. It will not be this year but I am planning for next year. If they do not renew the contract in Boise I will pick another one. This is a goal I set for myself and I must accomplish.

... to be continued...

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