Saturday, March 16, 2013

His first tooth is out!

     Auntie Gail got this cute little tooth box for Tristan for Christmas. For two weeks now it has been sitting next to my bed waiting for Tristan two loose teeth to fall out. His two lower one's right in the middle have been very loose. Yesterday, Auntie, TJ and I went to his awards ceremony for basketball and then Auntie was kind enough to spend the night and watch Tristan while Hanna, Tex and I went to a movie. Well, that was the night. The tooth fell out and landed on his leg. Auntie wanted o put it in a cup until we got home but Tristan new just what to do. He showed her the box next to my bed and said he had to put it under his pillow for the tooth fairy to come. So special for it to happen while Auntie was here! She said he was bouncing around like crazy, he was so excited. Then he wanted to look at it and saw it bleeding and he started to cry. Auntie was so good, she wrapped up an ice cube and gave it to him to suck on and he was good. Way to go Auntie! Nice work!



lisa said...

he sure did know what to do i will never ever forget that moment last night as long as i live so priceless. and sis i started to cry when i read this thanks. love you

Lynnette said...

Love you too sis. So glad you got to experience this, you deserve it! I love you very much and I am so happy to have you as a sister!