Wednesday, September 26, 2018

80's rock and Tattoo's

 Several months ago a the Def Leopard/Journey Concert was announced in Boise. When our group of 80's girls heard the news we were in! A group of 10 of us decided to go so Selena and I set out the get tickets. I wish I could give this story justice but we were both on our respective computers when we were able to find a group of 10 total tickets in the same row, Selena had 4 tickets, I had 5. It was simply an incredible feat. We were ecstatic.

A few of us had also been talking about getting tattoo's. I wanted to get the tattoo that Mom and I designed. I had her write out my favorite sayings of hers and planned to put them on my wrist but that was too small of area so I decided to put it on the back of my forearm. Reed was super helpful. I could not believe how they use digital imaging to design the tattoo now. It all used to be done by hand. I was so impressed. He was able to just copy mom's writing. I am very grateful for the time he put into it to get it right. The coolest thing... the following Sunday he and his family were dedicated in our church.

Once the tatoo's, and piercings were complete it was a quick stop at the house to freshen up, then off to Twigs for appetizers and drinks.

Now that we all getting a bit giggly we were off to the show. Thanks to Maren and Jo for driving the crazy girls! 

Once again Journey put on a show stopping event! Not a soul was in the seats. We were all rockin. Journey on the other hand was not so good this time around. The music was way too loud and you could hardly understand the words. 

After the show we went for a bite of breakfast! 

I love these girls!

Shelly, Jo, Me, Maren,Jodi,Sue,Dano, Selena, & H

Pretty good looking group of ladies I would say!

I love them all!

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