Thursday, May 30, 2019

Parasailing with TJ on the Big Island

This little piece of Hawaii deserved it's own entry. When we arrived in Hawaii our plan was to each pick one thing that we wanted to do. Tristan picked Parasailing. Tex and I ended up not having a pick. My pick was to float the irrigation canals but when we heard how bad the mosquito's were we changed our mind. 

I do need to say that this was truly priceless. To experience the pure exhilaration with my son was so exciting for me. I am truly blessed in so many ways. 
I love my son and I love the young man he is growing up to be.


Sheree said...

Super Awesome! It's on Paige's bucket list!

Lynnette said...

We want to do it in Puerto Rico if they have it. Let's do it together!