Sunday, March 8, 2020

Advocate Washington DC

As I have progressed in the Apartment Association over the past few years I have worked my way up to the Vice Chair with plans to move to Chair over the next two years. With that comes a few commitments. The first was NAA Advocate. A day where apartment representatives from all across our country meet on Capital Hill with all branches of government to discuss what is going on in our industry. I have been so nervous but our Board Chair, Len, made me feel right at home.
The day before the conference we made a trip out to Mount Vernon with the group from both Utah and Idaho. Len is the king of selfies which was really funny! 
Len ended up having to take a business call so I was able to walk to Union Station and catch up with my Cousin Matty who also happened to be on Capital Hill that day.
This was a truly amazing day which I felt honored to be a part of.
The night the President of the United States spoke on the recent threat of the Covid Virus. When we arrived in DC we were aware of the virus and the threat but I don't think we were truly aware of how serious it was. As the President began to speak he stated that air travel was going to be restricked. The rest of the group had orriginally planned to go into New York which wasnow a hot spot. I was not planning on going up as I was going to stay the weekend in DC and finish my taxes with Patti.
Little did  know that life was going to change when I got home. We decided to change our flights that night and retun home the next morning and thank God because if we would have stayed the President closed foreign travel by that weekend.
Tex and I had to have conversations about self quarentine, Isoltion for the fear that I had visited two of the most serrver areas in our Country.
Thank God after two weeks of self quaren tine I was not infected. Even though a memeber of our group from Utah had been in contactg with a represtantive that tested positive.
Shortly after I was already into my self quarantine the entire country was shut down.
Even with all of that it was still an amazing trip!
Can't wait till next year.

Our Hotel on DuPont Circle

Mount Vernon


Location where Ronald Reagan was shot.

 A day on Capital Hill

Union Station

1 comment:

ang :o) said...

I love all the photos! You amaze me. You were so nervous and didn't let that stop you. And look at you looking all hot on Capitol Hill! 🔥 SO, SO PROUD OF YOU!