Monday, March 22, 2021

Scouting out Seaside

Today we spent some much needed time outside exploring. First we headed to the aquarium, they had the cutest seal exhibit. We got to feed them and watch them play. The aquarium was small but informative. We headed to the the Ship Wreck Peter Iredale and along the way we ran into the coastal elk we have heard so much about. I have never seen elk on the coast so this was a treat. The Peter Iredale

"Without a doubt the most iconic shipwreck on the Oregon coast, the wreck of the Peter Iredale is found just beyond a parking area at Fort Stevens State Park. Only the steel hull remains of the 275-foot sailing ship, which ran aground in 1906. The ship made it to the mouth of the Columbia River through a shroud of fog, but was turned around by a strong wind while waiting for a pilot, hitting Clatsop Beach so hard that three of its four masts snapped on impact."

Once we arrived back at the hotel we had reservations to go to the pool... yes, I said reservations. Because that is what happened in the middle of a pandemic. We had a time slot that did not include the hot tub. The pool is heated but not enough for me. I stayed out on the deck in my down coat. As if that was not cold enough we decided to get ice cream : ) It was another super fun day!


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