Sunday, April 1, 2012

Lavaman 2012 Race Day

Today is April Fools Day 2012, but there is no joke today. Today is race day with my daddy. I can't believe the day is finally here and that I have shared this time with my family. It could not be a better day. Dad was so eager to get out the door. Most of you know how he is with time now. We were running like 5 minutes late and he was beside himself. Patti rode her bike to the transition area, Lesa and Sue drove the car and I walked over to the transition area with my dad.


Time to pick up our timing chip.

T1... well hello Hairy Cow!

Dad, Patti & Floyd

Team Welter

Christy, these are for you!




So, two days ago Patti drops on me that the relay swimmers leave with the pros. She specifically did not tell me until I was in Hawaii because she wanted to see the look on my face and as you could imagine my jaw hit the floor. Yep, me and Chris McCormack... Are you kidding me? Funny thing was, there were only about 5 pro's and the race were relay teams. I saw Bree Wee, the local Kona Pro, and Tim Marr, but the other pro's seemed to just pop up from under the water from out of know where. It was really funny!

My goal was to beat my time from last year which was 38:53 minutes. Today's split 35:47. I could not be happier! Can you tell?

On my way into the T1

I am only putting this photo in for 2 reasons, 1) It is the only picture of Patti in her "super fast" Helmet (until we get the race photo's), and 2) does it surprise you at all that this is the photo that my husband gets? So if you can pardon the big, black butt is the middle, we should be good : )

Daddy and I after T1

Dad's beech boogie.
Sorry it is sideways, but it is worth it.

Waiting for Patti at T2

Daddy pre pairing his race strategy.

Patti is in! She also set a Personal Record (PR), 1:23:24, over last years time 1:36:07. 13 minutes... are you kidding me? That is amazing! Unfortunately, she was so fast... no one got a picture of her in T2.

And we are off...
Dad and I left and Patti was to catch up to us after she changed her bike gear and apparently got herself together after being nauseous after such a fast race. Lesa got some great photos the entire weekend that she is letting me share. Thanks Sis! I love these photos when Dad and I took off.

This is one of my favorites! This is just how Dad is now, I love it, it is priceless.
I love seeing him loving life!

Patti caught us at the 3 mile turn around. Nice job sis!
What took you so long?

Rounding the Buddah at the Wiakoloa

Dad stepping carefully along the rocky edge.

As we entered the beach, Patti and I pointed Dad in the direction of the finish line because we could not cross with him. We took the short cut and headed down the beach to meet him at the end.

Dad rounding the lagoon.

I love this shot of Dad headed for the finish line... great shot Lesa!

I can not imagine what is going through his head right now.
I love it!

Let the party begin!

Tears of joy!

Team Welter

          23 TC 1535 TEAM WELTER            
Boise ID
22 35:47 2:11 1:47
20 1:23:24 17.8 11 0:44
25 1:26:13 13:55 3:27:53
I love this shot, it is so Dad!

We headed back to our condo and all chilled out for the afternoon.

A moment of reflection.

Time to watch some Super Why.

Who ran this race anyway?

Glass of wine in hand.

This is the one and only time dad wears sun screan and he took a shower immediatly after... and a ue said, "and just like that... it's over", but what a fantastic memory!

Way to go Dad!
You are my inspiration!
My mentor!
My hero!

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