Friday, May 16, 2014

Masquerading At 40, Happy Birthday Shaidy!

Months ago Mashaide invited us to her Masquerade Ball for her 40th birthday, we weren't missing this one even if the boys did bail. One day those boys are going to realize they missed a lot of fun things but not Sheree and I we were on it! Thanks to Julie we were able to borrow our gowns! Thanks to Cassie I borrowed some awesome shoe's! After an impromptu trip to Pier One during one of my training sessions w found some awesome masks!

Shaidy had some awesome decorations! After we got photo's with the girls we were off to check them out! See that mirror in the back, she shaved that entire thing with a dermal and cork board... AWESOME!

 Hot, Masquerading girls!

The Birthday Girl!

 Her date!

Great food!

I loved that everyone dressed up! Such an awesome event!

Shaidy, another stellar party! Thank you so much for inviting us! You are an amazing woman.
So proud to be a part of your Ohana.

1 comment:

Sheree said...

Such a FUN night!!!! We should masquerade every weekend!