Saturday, August 2, 2014

Killian Russell Rigby 1990 - 2014

How can one family deal with so much grief?

Last week I found out about the loss of my dear friends nephew. It has been a whirlwind of tragedy over the past few years. First the loss of Killian dad Jeff, the successful heart transplant of Sumerli, and now the tragic loss of Killian.

My heart bleeds for this family.

On our way out to the Church in Egin we saw this beautiful rainbow.

A family finds solace in that which Killian loved.

While attending dinner with the family the night of my arrival, the Rigby's shared their thoughts of decorating for the funeral and celebrating Killian's life. His love of the outdoors and representation of his family was truly prevalent in the day.

 The day of the funeral was horribly sad but was also a true celebration of Killian's life. The respect that was show by those that loved Killian was truly exceptional. A wonderful service was followed by a graveside service at the Parker Cemetery.



On my way home a saw this beautiful sunset. I could not help but think that it was Killian way of saying thank you. I pray that this family is granted some relief from their grief.

I love you guys so much.

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