Saturday, September 13, 2014

Weekend Getaway

Following the football game, Tex, TJ, Auntie, and I headed up to spend some time with Dad and Sue at Tamarack. They have been up there a couple of weeks and this was the only time we were really going to get to spend some time with them. 

When we arrived TJ was eager to have a serious game of checkers with Pa Pa.

After the checker game Sue made us a wonderful steak dinner and then Pa Pa showed Tristan his mastery, fire starting abilities. This could be a good or a bad thing : )

Marshmallows... why sure!

Sunday we set out to do some fishing! We headed down to the Tamarack Falls Bridge and outside of seeing a few fish we didn't really have any luck landing any. Good news is the company was great!

Love this picture of Dad and Auntie!

Since we didn't catch any fish at Tamarack we stopped at the softball fields in Cascade and did a little fishing at the pond. Tristan landed this little trout and some neighboring fisherman talked him into keeping it. And yes, we brought it home, cleaned it and cooked it up!

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