Thursday, December 17, 2015

Happy Birthday Star Wars Style thanks to Angee!

The first two weeks of December one of our local radio stations holds a contest called Kissmas. My manager Angee plays religiously and was winning so much I thought I would jump on the band wagon. The first week I was listening in the office and I was listening on my computer. I could not get through for the life of me. Then the next Monday Angee and I were together when I said, "just turnit on the computer". Angee then informed me that is would be on a lag and sure enough it was a song and a half behind. URG, one week of my life waisted, that is why I don't do these things. That would be short lived as Angee continued to win. 

Angee had already won Maroon 5 tickets, 5 Seconds of Summer tickets, Saphora packages, Amazon Tablets, as well as tickets to Star Wars Premier. It was then that I asked her if she won another set if I could have them. She had not idea what the show has meant to me. Then it happened, a few days before the contest ended she won Tex and I tickets to the premier the night of mu birthday. Little did she know that when I was a kid I went to all of the Star Wars movies with my dad when he had me on the weekends. I was totally sad when my parents divorced and like any other kid I wanted them together but it was not in the cards. The time with my Dad was priceless and I still cherish it to this day. 

Thank you Angee for adding another great experience to those that came before. This will be another cherished memory. It was a blast!

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