Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Cyndi Lauper

Well, this night ended up being a bit short for us. As Tristan and I headed out to meet the girls I was literally calling Sheree to see if I needed a tarp and the rain began to pour. Tristan had a bit of a nap as we headed out across town and by the time we arrived to the field the rain had subsided a bit. We packed in all our rain gear and planned to weather the storm. One thing I love about Outlaw Field is that you can bring in your own cooler's. We all had our own snack and brought enough to share. As the open act began to play a few drops started to fall. Tristan was being a trooper and once Cyndi hit the stage it really began to rain. We tried to hold out but with an 8 year old he got cold quick. The rain just became too much so we headed out. I was a bit bummed that we missed a few of her hits but the girls still got it! 

Another great night with great friend!



1 comment:

Sheree said...

Fun night...too bad it rained though.