Friday, September 25, 2020

He met me there... Yellowstone, the road home.


I woke up today fulling incredibly grateful. What an amazing week! I stopped for a quick cup of coffee as I was headed out of the park, I could easily feel my responsibilities begin to creep back in. As I turned the corner at Geyser Basin, I felt Steamboat calling but since I was meeting Selena at Lunch for her birthday, I opted to miss it this trip. As I rounded each and every corner and saw the steam rising not only from the land but also off the river, I thanked Jesus for this time together this week. I asked Him to remind me often that he is near and I promised Him that I would stop more to listen. Help me walk this life with the undeserving grace which you have given to me without question.

1 comment:

Jen said...

What an absolutely amazing trip! I am so proud of you for hearing His call and being obedient. I know this will be a trip that you will look back on and remember as a life changing experience. Thank you for sharing it with us. Love you friend