Sunday, June 30, 2024

The Pursuit the final day God is so good!

Today is a mix of emotions. As we say goodbye to our beloved church we celebrate all the joys and sorrows that have walked through these doors. We also celebrate those that have decided to give thier lives to Christ and today there are many two of our students, Kylie, and Dakota had decided several months ago and with The Pursuit closing we made them aware of today opportunity if they wanted to be baptized there. At the same time I shared that information with both Patti and Tristan and to my surprise they both also decided to be baptized today. I could not be more filled with joy. The enemy will not win today! As a bonus Molly was also filled with the Spirit and decided to get baptized today as well. 

A service filled with worship, stories from across the years and then into baptisms.

God is so good!

After the service a few of us headed to Shari's for some breakfast!

They say it takes a village and I am blessed with a great one!







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