Saturday, October 12, 2013

Tristan's 6th Birthday

 Another year has passed, I can hardly believe it. My Little TJ is going to be 6. Since I am leaving for Florida this weekend. We are having his birthday party before I go. Tex and Tristan will head to Florida to catch up with me just before Halloween so we can trick or treat together and then it is race day followed by a week in Disney World! I can hardly wait!

Another awesome cake by Amaru Confections!

Party Time!

Alias & Tristan


Paige & TJ

Rylee (AKA Bug)

 Chuck E Cheese...
Chuck E Cheese...

Bug, Mason, Caidlynn, Mia, Alias, TJ, Paige, Vivian, Abigail

The ticket booth!

The Pinata

OK, this is like the hottest game on the planet! 
I think the kids were on it for at least an hour!

Time for gifts!
Otherwise known as the year of the turtle.

Happy Birthday little man! We are so blessed in so many ways!
Thanks who all who attended!

1 comment:

Sheree said...

It was SUPER FUN as always!!!