Thursday, October 31, 2013

IMFL support crew has arrived

Now that family and friends have arrived it was time to hit the beach. The sad thing is there is a storm coming in and the skies are over cast and the waves are breaking high. The good news is, that won't stop our kids, they were all over it getting out to the sand and the water!

The kids were off to hunt shells. Since there are not many shells in Hawaii Tristan has never really got to do this. He followed Paige's lead and had a blast!

Tristan thinks he struck it rich too bad most of them were broken. He will understand that soon enough but today that did not matter. He was thrilled!

Looking for the best one's.

It was not long before we noticed the sea gulls hovering around us. Turns out they thought the shells were food. Then we started tossing them in the air and it was almost like the movie Birds, they were all over us! Then brilliant me went in to get some bread. This was crazy! They were eating right out of our hand. It was all fun until one pooped in Tristan's hair, then we were all grossed out!



Sheree brought Patti and I some super cute chocolates from a new place in Boise. They were super cute! 

 After a short training day we headed to breakfast followed by St Andrew's State Park. This is the turn around for the marathon but also a fun place to visit, so we took the family. With the storm coming in the winds were high as well as the surf. The locals were out with vengeance both kite surfing and surfing.

Then it was time to check alligator lake. Patti and I had seen a gator here earlier in the week and we were going to scout some out again for the family but no luck : ( Beautiful park though!


Patti and I had taken this walk earlier in the week and taken a cute picture of some kids in these tree's, now it was out turn. 

I was so bummed that Tristan is not in this picture because it turned out so cute. You may ask why is he not in it? Well, he took it.

Back to the beach!

Sue was so sweet! Sheree and I were out on the beach with the kids just getting ready to look for more shells when here came Sue, fruity beverage in hand. Yummy Cosmo's also probably not on the Ironman nutrition plan but they were sure yummy!

I always make Mom's spaghetti for out carb loading night. This race would be no different!

Hairy Cow carbing up!

One of the reason's everyone flew in yesterday was so we could take the kids Trick or Treating Florida Style for Halloween. This was totally worth it. It gave the kids a chance to see something different. After dinner they got all dressed up and we headed to Pier Park. Pier Park is a local outdoor mall where they hand out candy on Halloween!

Another super fun day in Panama City! 
Happy Halloween Everyone!

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