Thursday, March 20, 2014

My Dad, My Hero

For 6 years now, as Dad has fought daily to strive for his recovery new challenges have never slowed him down. I can not begin to express how blessed that he is still in my life. 

Today Dad would be faced with another new challenge, skiing. When I was 2 years old my dad taught me how to ski. When Tristan was 18 months I taught him how to ski. Today dad is getting back on ski's for the first time since his accident in Italy. We have two days until Tristan gets here to ski with his PaPa. Time to get to work.

Dad and Tex shared equipment some years ago so I had Dad try on Tex's gear. Worked like a charm!

Trying on Boots

Checking out his new coat.

We arrived at Tamarack about 2:30, just enough time to unload the truck and get out to the hill for an hour on the slopes. I thought this would be really important for Dad as since his accident it takes him a bit longer to process things. I figured if we got an hour in he would have the night to process it before we got out there again. 

My plan was to video the first run but I was a little pre occupied with dad's safety rather than the camera. 

Strapping on the ski's and getting on the lift was just like old times. Getting off the lift the first time posed a bit of a problem, he lost his balance and simply fell backwards. It was a little tough for him to get up from the flat. He later told me "this really made him mad". 

Once we got him up he took off like he had not missed a day. I was literally about ready to die. He was out of control. My heart sank. Please don't hit anything. I was yelling push your ski's out! Dad made the turn and finally came to a stop. I caught up with him and we had a little chat about snow plowing. He then told me that he thought in his mind it would be easier. He remembers the snow plow and picked that back up very easily. Finally I could breathe!

Notice Lisa on the ground in the back ground. She hung out with us on the hill the entire weekend, it was amazing!

Dad and I spent the next hour on the Discovery Chair practicing our turns and regaining his balance. Once the lift had closed we went in to get the tickets for the next couple of days. Cool thing was Dad found out that he did not need a lift ticket as individuals 70 years of age and older ski for free, he could not get over this. It was hilarious!

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