Monday, July 4, 2016

Best Day Ever

     There is so much to this day that means so much to me. Set aside the fact that we are seeing Garth Brooks in Vegas with my 80 year old Mom and sitting in the second row, which actually became about the 5th row. The fact that all of my sibling (via Mom) are together under one roof celebrating something Mom yet wanted to do. Then leave in to me to seem to make the, what might seem impossible happen.

     It is almost as important to me that my big brother is with us. He doesn't really know how much I look up to him but I do. You see we didn't really grow up together. By all rights I was considered an only child because of the age difference between my bothers and sister and I. Over the years I have grown so close to Lisa and Patti but Steve and I, well I make as many trips to Cali as I can but we haven't really spent substantial time. This trip was different. It was all about Mom and family. No work just us and the big city.

     I decided to take mom a few days early just in case she got sick. Mom has had a habit of getting sick the past couple of times she flew. This time we were prepared. Dramamine and some extra time if needed. The flight went off without a hitch and the Dramamine helped her out, or at least I think it did.

     Once we arrived in Vegas we took a car to the New York New York, which we chose because it was right next door to the T-Mobile Center. This worked out great because we we centrally located so we could have meals with Mom but still let her nap during the day. We spent our days on the strip, by the pool, and in the spa. When it came time for the concert Mom was rearing to go. I had made a sign that said:
 4 siblings with Mom in Vegas
Mom's 80th Birthday
Please sing the Mom Song
About part way through the show it seemed that Garth had address our sign, as well as many other. Mom rocked it out with the best of them, I was so proud of her. She stood much more than I thought she would and the smile on her face said it all. As I looked around, once again I took a moment to realize how blessed we are to share in these experience.

     Garth wrapped up the show and I must say he Rocked it, Trisha was amazing too, their chemistry is incredible. It's so touching. After the final set Garth came out to a rousing crowd. Little did I know that the fanale would be a sort of request set. Everyone held their signs up and he highlighted a few. He didn't call out our sign but he did sing The Mom Song. I don't think Mom was familiar with this one but it was none the less special to me. I sat down with mom and wrapped my arm around her and it was as if it was just her and I in that room. I will cherish this moment forever. We have been though so much together, so much that many don't even know. It is amazing how lives can unravel and even family members don't know about it.

    As the concert ended and we worked out way outside, I saw a side of my brother that was so sweet. That is this was after he told me this was one of the best concerts he had been too next to Alabama. ALABAMA, really? How did I not know he was an Alabama fan, there is no bigger Alabama fan than me : ) Back to my sweet brother... as the fireworks began to explode overhead to celebrate our Nations Birthday, Steve tipped Mom back in her wheel chair so she could get a better view. I saw the sweet tender side of my brother that is hidden beneath that rough and tough boy that protected me when I was small. I love that side of him. Hopefully as the years come and go I will get to share more of these moments with him. Who knows, maybe an Alabama show might be in our future : )

1 comment:

Sheree said...

Very Sweet! Great family time....a special event you'll remember always!