Monday, December 25, 2017

A Family Christmas in Virginia

This was going to be a rough one.. so we thought, but something about spending time with family seemed to lessen the pain (for me at least). Many of you know that I would never travel during the holidays because I would never leave Mom here by herself, seams like this year all I wanted to do was get away. Te Iceland trip was previously planned but Virginia was not. What better way than to spend Christmas remembering your mother who was so dear to you. 

There are so many things I am thankful for, so many that I can not even list, but in regards to Mom I am thankful that she is no longer in pain, I am thankful that she will never be sad on New Years Eve any more, I am thankful most of all that she was my mother and no one can ever change that. 

Santa did show up in Virginia and brought Tristan "the second" item on his wish list... what might you ask was the first? An Xbox. But once I explained to both Santa and Tristan that we would not have a gaming console in our home the second item on his list became much more valuable which was a Hexbug Battlebot Arena. 

This Christmas morning was so nice, Tex, Tristan and I decided not to exchange gifts so it was a joy to watch everyone open theirs. 

For breakfast I made Dutch Baby Pancakes.

After breakfast we headed out for a little ride. Patti was so in her element Riding Taj and then putting Tristan on for a lunge. Tristan absolutely loved it.

After the ride we headed inside to start getting ready for dinner. We set a beautiful table, including a place for those who were lost this year, and all gathered for the feast. Rick made fabulous ribs and ham and we also had mashed potatoes, stuffing, corn and yes... deviled eggs. Patti, bless her heart, tried to buy store bought deviled eggs and I about died, so we made those into egg salad and bought some eggs to make fresh deviled eggs. 

After dinner Tex gave Matt & Sonya their gift from their wedding since we were unable to make it and then we exchanged gifts with the Adams family <3 nbsp="" p="">

It truly was a blessed day.






lisa said...

i am so glad that we made the trip to virginia this was going to ne a hard one for me to so glad that mom is in no more pain and reunited with abby her dog and thankful for family

Lynnette said...

Love you sis, it was a special one wasn't it <3