Monday, December 31, 2018

Out with the old in with the new!

What a year! This year has been a busy one and through all the ups and downs you find yourself just trying to slow down. After being sick for a couple days and passing it on to tex we decided to head out to dinner with the Jensen's and then come back to our house for a fire and some games to ring in the new year. 

We heard a party going on upstairs so we snuck out on the porch to spy on the kids and we saw them having their own dance party! I love that they know how to have fun!

Tex, bless his heart went outside and got our little fire pit all ready even though he was not feeling well. 

This year Angee and I have really been working on self love and putting ourselves first. We had written down all of the things that we wanted to leave in 2018 and planned to burn them in the fire. In the next breath we wrote down those things we wanted to achieve. After burning our fears we read our hopes by fire lite. I love that the kids joined in in the "ceremony", I love how thoughtful our kids our. After letting go of the past and planning for the future we celebrated with s'mores.Then it was time to head in for some games. Telestrations and Relative Insanity. It was such a supper fun night! I would not have wanted to spend it with anyone else!

Happy 2019 Everyone!





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