Friday, June 25, 2021

Deep Sea Fishing

So we were supposed to have a private charter on Wednesday and we received a call that said the boat broke down and they could re book us on Friday. What we did not know is that it was a shared charter. When we arrived there were two other families and they gave us each a number. Each person was supposed to "have a time slot" If a fish was on during that time slot you got to real it in. Well, the fish were a little slow at first, Tristan was napping when they first fish was on. The little boy on the boat was pushed into the chair by his dad, did not matter what time slot we were in. It actually would have been the other couple chance to land the fish. It was a bit quite again for a while before the line began to sing. This time the second couple was in the chair. Tristan was so sad he was beside himself. I just reminded him that we were blessed to even have the experience and that we wil be back to Hawaii and these families probably won't. He was such a good sport about it. We were blessed to each take home some fish. All in all a good day on the water.


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