Friday, April 11, 2008

Gotta love food...

Oh, our cute little boy! Every day I thank god of our many blessings and this day was another one. Tristan was trying out his new high chair while enjoying some sweet potatoes he had them all over himself it was so cute! I can't believe how much he is eating these days and it is going to get worse. After dinner we went up to play in his new bouncer until he crashed. He loves the bounces but his legs are just short of being able to touch the ground. I can't wait until he can bounce on his own.

And yes, we seem to love the Rainforest products!


ang :o) said...

Yeah, real funny about the pregnant thing! That would not be good! these photos are so cute!

Nicole Arnold said...

He is getting so big. He is so cute! Hope you guys are doing great!

The Dudley Bunch said...

congratulations! I can't even tell you how happy I am for you and Tex. Tristan is beautiful and he looks so happy. You will be such a great mom. Tim always tells me how cute he is, so thanks for sending the blog... what a blessing.
Kara Dudley