Friday, April 18, 2008

My sister Patti

My sister Patti is my true soul sister. She is on a spiritual journey right now in India. She is there with a friend she met at a drum circle in Hawaii for 8 weeks. I was spending the afternoon updating my blog and I sent Patti a e-mail. I got one of those "automated" replies back that said she was only checking her messages intermittently. I decided to respond to it and I told her I missed her and I was going to call her just to hear her voice on her phone. While I was sending a message on my iPHONE my phone beeped in that I had a message. When I went to check my voice mail it came up Patti. When a listened to the message she said, "I just called so you could hear my voice, ( of course I am crying by now), I am on my way to get my head shaved at the ashram it is 5 am here and I will call you later". HOW DID I MISS HER? I can't wait until she calls!

1 comment:

ang :o) said...

wow, that's pretty cool! hope you have good weather for your games!