Sunday, February 8, 2009

Hello From Sunny Kona-

Well, we have had a pretty nice weekend and those neurons in Len's brain are finding their connectors.
Today especially, his sentences were much clearer and he recognizes when he has mispronounced a word and is making corrections. His eyes are brighter and he catches on quicker to my ridiculous jokes.
Here is one example and maybe only I appreciate:

He had a massage on Friday and as usual likes to leave on all that lotion until the next day(yuk). So, as per every Friday since his massages began I always say" ooh, stay away with all the sticky stuff on you." and "could you please put a towel on the couch if you aren't going to take a shower." For the first time since we have been home he said"Oh, I remember that" meaning my nagging. I just laughed. It felt so good.

Len continues to use his hearing aides and is surprised at how much he can hear. He even commented to the speech therapist that it seemed to help with his therapy. The aides don't seem to bother him which is great. Just a warning. You are all going to have to lower your voices. He keeps telling me that I am talking to loud!

I'm telling you all right now, watch out. He is coming back.

Aloha, Sue

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