Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The boys & girls of summer

You know, I never seem to blog about my two softball teams. It is not because I don't love them but more so because if I blogged about every game you would be so sick of softball you would not believe it!

I am on a women's team, Tex is on a men's team and we both play co-ed on the same team. Softball is actually how Tex and I met. On this particular nite we are playing co-ed at Ann Morrison Park. We have a great co-ed team. We love to get together, play some great ball, and have a few beers. Since Tristan is much more mobile this year, I quit often EH (extra hitter), and we bat 12. This means I don''t have to go in the field. That is what I was doing on this day. I happened to be "in the hole" (the on deck batter), and to my surprise when I turn around to see where Tristan is.... I see all these people sitting around the table and Tristan has Scott's beer and is drinking it! I am like HELLO, can someone get the beer away from TJ? I could not believe it. It was quit funny though!


Everyone is so positive! I love that!
We actually beat Turner's today 14 - 9, they are one of our rivals, as well as friends. Any day the game can go either way.

While we were playing, the Ice Cream Man came by so Sheree got the kids a Popsicle. This was Tristan's first Popsicle on his own. I think the Popsicle won!

No Red Dye #5 in there, is there?

1 comment:

ang :o) said...

I'm so turning you in to CPS for the beer! :-D

The light in TJ's eyes in the popsicle photos is amazing. Love them.