Thursday, November 26, 2009

Many reason's to give thanks!

This year was a pretty laid back Thanksgiving. It began with the normal tradition of watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. It is so fun to introduce those things to Tristan! I spent most of yesterday making my casseroles, which made today not too busy! We had 12 people over. Tex, Garrett, Hanna, Tristan, Lisa W., Eric, Lisa (Eric's girl friend, yes another Lisa in the house), her 4 kids... (yes, 4 kids and one more on the way). & Myself. We had the full meal, turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, stuffing, cranberries, broccoli casserole, & relish tray's. It was so good. So much to be thankful for in our family! We are so blessed!

1 comment:

lisa said...

thanks again for a great thanksgiving and time love you lisa w.