Saturday, June 25, 2011

Pre race day

The day before the race we really just chilled out and spent some time together. We whipped up some breakfast and then headed to the village for registration. Ike and Christy went to do some golfing so we picked up their packets for them.

Johnnies brother, Les, came to visit with his family. They only live a couple hours away. Their little boy Blake was Tristan's age and thy hung out all day. They had a blast together!

Blake's little sister Cloe decided to cut the rug with Tristan and Paige even got into the dancing action.

Packet Pick Up...

This is what Tristan wanted to do while mommy did her paperwork: )

After registration we walked to the Nature Conservatory.

After we got back Tex decided to have a little nap...

Paige and Christy got some snuggle time...

Another great day in Sunriver!

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