Friday, April 19, 2013

4 am with my besty

Do you have one of those friends that you have not spoken to in months or even years but when the two of you get together it is like you have not even skipped a beat? Well, that is what it is like with Selena and I.

 Selena and I have been playing phone tag since November. I would call her and miss her, then she would call me and miss me. Well, there would be no missing each other this time. Selena called me and said she was coming to town with her mom. I was so excited!

Selena and her mom got in about 8pm. I headed to there hotel, but not before picking up some good ole Selena goodies. I new it was going to be a long night :)

I was so excited to see Rig. I had a very emotional day as well and emotional few months. When I got there I just gave her a hug and yes I cried. I missed her. Needless to say after 8 hours of catching up on each others lives it was time to call it a night. What a great night. Thanks Rig! I Love You!


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