Friday, June 27, 2014

Can I get some cheese to go with that wine?

Remember, my husband is a bit of a collector. He collects everything! A few years a go he went to Art in the park and found a artist who works with ceramic, one of the things he wanted to do on the trip was find his studio and that we did!

We saw a lot of brides!

Kari, you told me about this stop and it was a great one! 1st stop ice cream and it was as good as you said it would be! Then it was off for the tour. Following our tour we were shopping and since we had not had lunch we decided to eat here in the deli. Oh was this a great choice. Best grilled cheese and tomato soup I have ever had! Perfect for this rainy day!


Once we left the cheese factory we decided to go for a little drive. Finally we found the BEACH!
Let the scenic drive begin!

No place I would rather be than the beach with my boys!

1 comment:

Sheree said...

Love the cheese factory, one of my favorite places on the Oregon coast.