Friday, October 31, 2014

All Hollow's Eve... "after dark"

A busy day we are about to under take. Tristan has been in school all day, the last hour would be saved for the Harvest Party with treats and games galore!

Tristan is always so excited for me to be in class with him!

The Mummy Roll Up

After school we headed to Grandma' for a little trick or treating!

Then it was off to pick up Auntie then headed south east to Sheree's new home. Paige was in full zombie gear, smoke smell and all! She was so into her character it was a little scary. Tristan was the Red Power Ranger and pulled it off quit well!

The zombie is loose.

Sheree would not let us leave until dark. I was ready to go about 430 but oh no... it had to be dark first! Sheree's new neighborhood was awesome for trick or treating! Decorations, lots of lights. It was awesome!

 On our way home we vowed to stop at only really decorated houses. Boy oh boy we found a few.

The Witches House was shown on the news. It is located in Meridian. 42 witches have a crewed over the years. they are simply amazing! The details are nothing short or extraordinary.

After leaving the Witches House some neighbors told us of a haunted house in the same neighborhood. Quit honestly I can't believe Tristan even walked through the gate. There were about 7 real characters. They were really cool with Tristan. They new he was small and didn't scare him at all, though the props were enough to scare him. Truth be told... I was scared!

Finally home! Time to trick or treat our house!

My dear sweet husband was hours into making chili. Garret stayed home to help him.

Time to put the finishing touches on the inside of the house for tomorrow chili feed.

3 a.m. and I am finally ready!

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