Saturday, November 11, 2017

The Pursuit Leader Retreat 2017 Fairfield, Id

I think I have mentioned to many of you that I have began to serve in youth ministry. The Pursuit has a program called Renewal which is amazing. I have wanted to serve there for years. I needed to make sure that my family was truly grounded before I could take that much time away from Tex and Tristan. After yearss of praying and then Maren posting how incredible it was when she began to serve I decided to talk to Tex about serving in this capasity. WIth his suppert I began this summer.

Every year the staff at The Pursuit host a leaded retreat. This is when you go to a church camp in Fairfield and take time away to grow with your fellow leader and spend time with God. I have never been to a retreat before and needless to say I had more anxiety that I have had in many years. I had offered to drive but new i had to return early to help with a scout float. on Sunday.  I t was a good thing I decided to drive because I would have backed out if I didn't .

We all met at the church at 530 to eat as a church family and then we would head off on the 2 hour drive. The weather was crazy, torrential rain and then white out snow as we crossed the pass into Fairfield. Upon arrival we spent time Friday night just playing games and hanging out. 

Saturday was was filled with intentional God time and group building activities. I can not begin to explain how incredible this was. The God time brought me to tears and the group building activities shut out every bit of doubt I had. It was truly amazing. The presence of the spirit was incredible. 
That afternoon after lunch Andrew lead us on a hike which is truly what I needed. It was my first hike since the surgery. I was so invigorated. 

After dinner we were blessed with Jake, Hanna, and Alex to lead us in a beautiful night of worship it was truly moving to see everyone put themselves out there and even more refreshing to see that I was not the only one in "pain" and needed the support of others.

That evening brought us to the retreat dinner which I was not prepared for so much emotion and the presence of the Lord. It really was incredible. I have grown so close to this group of people. 

Sunday was spent with more intentianal God time but on an individual basis today. I went out to the tables by the creek and spent it in His glory. I love that time, He seems to really speak to me there. 
After that we spent time in reflection with our group. I love that we were always a step in fornt of Andrew's questions. I ended up having to leave a bit early but the time spent this weekend was truly a gift from God. I feel so refreshed and ready to face the world!

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