Thursday, October 25, 2018

Rent Managers Users Conferance 2018 Amelia Island Florida

Tis year is my second year at the Rent Managers User Conference in Amelia Island, Florida. Reeta came back again this year and we also took Angee. We were all set for a break from our daily lives as well as our work lives. We new it was also going to be a long week of training. RMUC is always great at a weeks work of not just training but also fun! This years theme... Shipwrecked!

Angee and I went to check out the beach while waiting for Reeta to arrive. Then we headed to the island to check out our room and get settled. We found some novel beach wear in the closet that I had to model.

The next morning we went down to have a lovely breakfast before a full day of bot camp.
Tuesday began with a Keynote and a day full of training. I loved seeing Angee "Geek Out"! Dinner was not provided today se we went down by the pool for the dinner and Skipped happy hour and hung out by the fire where a ghost pirate joined Angee in a rocking chair.

Wednesday brought us back to classes as well as some time working together. Today is also the "shipwrecked" dinner which was supposed to be on the beach but it was rained out and had to be moved inside but it was still amazing!

Thursday more training, more scheduled work time together and then we broke a little early to drive back into town for dinner and a concert. I have this new thing to check out concerts when I go into a new town. Tonight on the list Elevation Worship, one of my favorite Christian Rock bands. I was thrilled that Reeta and Angee wanted to join me! We capped the night off with ice cream!

We learned a lot, and played a little. 

Another fabulous conference!

Thanks for your hard work and dedication ladies!








1 comment:

Sheree said...

Looks like a boondoggle! I like boondoggles, I think I need to go next time!