Monday, June 30, 2008

Encouraging news from Italy

I just got a text message from Sue, she spoke with Dr Silvia DiMaio (she is an anesthesiologist that is very familiar with dads case & Sue has a good rapport with. A side note, a radiologist friend of Aunt Joan's who specializes in the brain, spoke with Dr. DiMaio Saturday. She was very impressed with how knowledgeable Dr. DiMaio is with the entire case & left the conversation knowing that dad is receiving excellent care!) Dr. DiMaio said they reduced the sedation in order to run some neurological tests. Dad remains stable and is able to move his left side, but not his right side. He will remain sedated for the time being. Sue said the Dr sounded encouraged. I felt that dad needed to slow down/stop with the physical work he takes on (building steel carports, weed eating acres in HI, etc). This is not what I expected, but I will take it gladly.
Thank you for the prayers & good thoughts & please keep them coming.

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