Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Fulll Monty

I thought that would get your attention. Len and I went to see "The Full Monty" last Thursday in San Jose. I got lost and Len kept saying "I think you are going the wrong way". He was right. We made it to the theater just in time and had a great night out. We spent dinner with some of the kids on Saturday night in Mountain View.
Len continues to work hard at speech therapy and each day a few more words are clear. He and I also do physical therapy on the days we don't go to the medical center. We both have a full time job getting Len back to normal.
Physically, he is amazing. His gate is a little slower but he can keep up with me now on walks and always has a sense of humor about his situation.
We are taking our first trip on Friday to Boise to check out everything there. We will drive up to Tamarack and enjoy a few days in the mountains before heading back to CA on Tuesday.
Hope this finds you all well.
Our love and Aloha,
Sue and Len

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