Monday, September 22, 2008

Homeward bound...

Well, Monday morning we all headed home. Sheree, Johnnie, Christy, & Ike left a little before us. We wanted to make some tourist stops on the way home. The first was the fish hatchery.

This would be a very funny sign if it was not in the fish hatchery!

We saw BIG fish!

and pretty fish.

we saw crawdads.

This is Tristan and I next to a big tree!

We stopped a really cool Christmas Store.

look how cute the chimney was : )

We stopped at Sahalie Falls

Do you think they are having fun?

and Koosah Falls

It was such a beautiful hike!

We too the scenic bypass on 242. It was crazy, we hit the pass and it was all lava domes and lava fields.

This was a lookout that was built at the pass. It was very cool. Each "window" looks upon a peak, almost like a watch station.

It was all fun so far but we have a long road ahead of us. I wanted to stop in Sisters but my dear husband decided to drive all the way home. We left at 8 am and got home the following day at 1 am. Needless to say it was a long ride home with an 11 month old. I am glad we made all the stops though, they were worth every minute!

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