Sunday, November 16, 2008

Who has the Last Laugh

I realized today after talking to several friends on the phone that I have not written much in the last few weeks. We have been traveling a lot to Boise and lucky Lynnette is great posting pictures of our adventures. Our place at Tamarack is finished thanks to Patti stepping in and keeping the ball rolling. We purchased a second home there and I have spent many hours in Boise shopping for everything from sofas to silverware. Patti, Lynnette and Tex have helped out in getting everything in place so all our big family will have a place to stay over Christmas.

Len and I are both doing well and inching toward the goal line. More important than this is how amazing Len has been. He very rarely complains about his condition and works hard at getting better. His keeps his sense of humor and we always are able to laugh at all of this. He charms the staff at rehab and keeps us all moving forward. I admit he does not always have patience with me but what else is new in a marriage. I know his strong determination is the reason I have felt strongly that he would recover and keeps me going now. We can all take a lesson from this amazing man. As our Austrian tri-athlete says"Len is truly an Ironman."
So sit down and have a glass of wine on us and know we are on our way to full recovery.
We hope this finds you well and happy.
Love and Aloha, Sue and Len

1 comment:

Lynnette said...


I hope you don't mind, but I saved that picture as my favorite! It is an amazing picture. I am so glad you are finding time to take photo's again!

Love you,
