Friday, February 26, 2010

"The Log"...

This story is so funny I could not hesitate in sharing it! Today, Tristan and I had a bath. As the daily ritual repeated it self, I wrapped up Tristan in the "monster" towel that Brittles got him for his birthday, sat him in my chair and let him watch a few cartoon while I got ready. As I was drying my hair Tristan came in and open the bathroom door. He then pointed at his little potty. Since we are just getting ready to do the three day potty training next weekend I thought I would ask him if he had to go potty. Tristan walked into the other room and pointed at the floor. Much to my surprise, there lay a Tristan size poop. I could not believe it. I know it sounds gross but it was so damn funny I could not quit laughing! One of the things the potty book says is not to get upset with him so I went and grabbed some TP and said let's put the poop in the potty, reassuring him that he did nothing wrong. He ran behind Tex's chair. I kept asking him if he wanted to flush his poop. He would not come out. So I went over to tell him it was ok and there was the rest of the poop. Thank God it was not runny!

P.S. I purposefully did not take pictures for all of you but I am sure you could imagine it!

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