Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year!

Tonight is New Years Eve and we have headed up to Tamarack to have some fun! Once we got settled back in Auntie Patti started preparing for dinner. I started to get ready for the night light parade. Once dinner was in the oven we headed to the Canoe Grill which was the meeting place.

Time to sign the release of liability.

Here is our party bus. They were driving us to the top then we had a bit of a hike before we lined up with our flares.

While we headed up, Patti, Tristan, and Tex all headed to the bottom of Discovery to await our arrival.

This family came with a bunch of glowy things and gave some to Tristan.

Thank you!

Here we come!

The fireworks going off above us were simply amazing. About 1/2 way down the hill when I really began thinking about Patti not skiing with me I began to cry but on a positive note I am very thankful she is alaive. I do not know what I would do without her.

Thanks for the video honey!

After the festivities we came back to the house to enjoy the fine dinner that Patti had made for us!

May your new year bring health and happiness!

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