Sunday, May 18, 2008

A fun packed Saturday!

Well, Saturday I got to sleep in. Yea! Dad had a softball tournament and his first game was at 8 am. It was in the 90's Saturday so Tristan and I hung out at the house. Tex's team was on a loosing streak so we decided to beat the heat by taking our first dip in the pool together. He was dressed in his cute little swim suit that we received at our shower. I was so happy it still fit! Tristan did really well! He just thought it was a big bath tub, a real big bath tub!

A few moths ago I got Tristan this little boat that is cuter than ever. It is like a bouncy chair that floats in the water. It has little toys on it and a canopy so her has shade. The stickers on it are cuter than ever too but I don't think they will stay on it long!

While Tristan and I were taking a dip, dad called and said that they won their last game and they were getting ready to play again, five games in one day in 95 degree heat. Ouch! We started to feel guilty for not going to watch so we hopped out of the pool and headed down to the field. We got their just in time to see them loose their last game.

After Tex's softball game we decided to go watch Brittles play football. Cam & Britt's parents were here and got some quality time with TJ again. It is always so good to see them! We didn't get to see Brittles as he was probably cranky after loosing a close game.... Sorry Brittles!

1 comment:

ang :o) said...

I love the photo of the tow of you! That is the coolest boat I've ever seen! I've never seen anything like it for a pool!