Saturday, May 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Dad!

So, it is the beginning of memorial weekend and we headed to Tamarack to surprise my dad for his 70th birthday. Tex, Hanna, Garrett, Tristan, and I met my brother and his family to race up to Tamarack before my dad, sue and Lisa got there. It was close, we barely made it in front of them. I must say that it did help that dad got stopped twice by the Idaho State Police. He only got one ticket thought:) Somehow he got out of the 2nd ticket by telling the officer that he just got a ticket. That never worked for me! Here are some of the pictures Tex took from our cabin.

After dad settled in from brush with the law, Sue made a wonderful BBQ'd salmon dinner. Everyone was tired so we went to bed early.

1 comment:

ang :o) said...

Happy birthday Len! I can't believe he is 70! Amazing. I would have guessed 50 but based on the fact that he has older kids I thought maybe 60. He looks younger then my dad who is 59. I love that third photo of the waterfall.