Monday, September 7, 2009

Great friends, great fun!

Our good friends Johnny and Sheree invited us to there new condo in McCall. They bought it about a month ago and invited us up for Labor Day weekend. We had a lot going on this weekend so we went up on Sunday after going to the BBQ in Eagle.

We always look for the "cowboy" on the way us the canyon. This photo does not do him justice.

Once we arrived and got settled the kids, really Paige, decided they wanted to go swimming in the outdoor pool. Surprisingly enough it was not that cold.

Tristan is really testing the waters these days. Sheree got this shot after TJ decided to test the edge of the step. I love this picture! Thanks Sheree!

Well, after dinner we headed down to the beach but Sheree had the time line a little off and we missed the sunset. It was still a fabulous evening!

So this was the highlight of the night! Tristan loves to run down hill. Paige was loving rolling down the hill. Remember that when we were kids? I loved it. So, why not do it. I was trying to convince Tristan to do it but he wanted nothing of it. So I was off! Rolling down the hill, sideways like a 7 year old! It was awesome! So awesome that I had to talk Sheree into it. Yep, She did it too. It was so fun!

Johnny & Sheree

Paige & Tristan

After hanging out at the beach for a while Sheree took us over to a little Bistro where we had desert and some drinks.


Paige always gives me these funny looks when I take her picture.

Johnny & Sheree's Condo

Monday, Sheree, Johnny, & Paige were going to Brundage to ride the chair lift to the top of the mountain and hike and have a picnic, they invited us along. I have been excited all week until I realized Tristan had not yet been on a ski lift and I was going to put mt 22 month old on a chair and send him up into the sky. Is that what my parents thought and if so, WHAT IN THE HELL WERE THEY THINKING?! I did not know if I should put him in the back pack, let him sit on our lap, or what. The lift operators said that he could not be in the back pack. So we loaded up. The anticipation brought me to tears, but TJ was a trooper. He sat there like a charm. I am so glad we got that over in the summer because now I won't freak out in the winter when he starts skiing.

Once we got off the chair at the top we immediately wanted to take some family pictures. Sheree got this one of us.

When I offered to take theirs Johnny wanted Sheree to take her Oregon shirt off or take their photo with the bronco blanket in front of them. Needless to say, Sheree won the fight. No Johnny in the picture : )

I will take a picture with Sheree!

I love this picture of Hanna that Sheree got, thanks for letting me steal it!

After a bit of a hike, we found a spot for our picnic. There was a little "look out tower" at the top with a little table that was perfect. The view was spectacular! Our picnic included cheese and crackers, fruit and nuts! MMM

While we were rapping up our picnic some other hikers came up to use the bench. They were on the phone with a pilot that was going to fly over the "tower". He waived at us with his wing as he buzzed the tower. Tristan loved it.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks like a great time. Len and I will have to do that some time.