Saturday, September 26, 2009

Women's Fitness Celebration

Mike McLenna/KTVB.COM

BOISE -- Thousands upon thousands of women might have enjoyed a well-earned few hours on the couch after participating in the St. Luke's Women’s Fitness Celebration Saturday morning.

It was a great time, and this year the weather made up for last year's downpour.

"The Women’s Fitness Challenge is awesome," said one participant.

Celebrating fun and fitness

The Celebration was full of participants like this, all getting outside on a Saturday morning to dance, sing and celebrate fitness.

This pretty much sums up the fabulous morning we had today! Thanks Sherre, Paige, Red Nag & Tristan + 12000 other friends!

The fly over!

I got married there!

Tuxedo Row

The 5K finish line!

1 comment:

Julie said...

Why am I called Red Nag? I didn't think I was that bad!