Wednesday, May 12, 2010

"Business" as usual.

Today I was out and about taking care of a number of errands when my cell phone rang. It was my dad, now this would not seem that unusual but since the accident Dad has not been making too many phone calls. Well, today that was not the case. Dad called me and asked if I had time to talk. I said of course and Dad proceeded to start to talk about a few business items. We had a 40 minute conversation about work related items and to top it off it was a very productive phone call.

This was a great moment for me because I have really missed talking to Dad. Not just talking to him but talking to him about purposeful items and feeling that sense of accomplishment. I have really missed that the last couple of years but today I really got a taste of having my Dad back. I never criticize the capacity Dad was returned to us in but today was a really good day!

I love you Dad!

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