Friday, March 25, 2011

Brick - Bike Run

Today we are doing a brick, two events in one day. We drove out to Waikoloa to ride the Lavaman bike course and the do a three mile run (1/2 of the Lavaman course). Today there are high wind advisories. It is probably the heaviest wind I have ever riden in. Patti is letting me use her bike for the race and the from the moment I shifted gears I new it was a great bike! It was so smooth. We had a tail wind going out and it was like heaven. My pace was more than double what it was at home. On the way back that was another story. Headed strait into the wind we were as slow as 5 - 6 miles per hour at times. It was crazy! Once Tex got back with the truck we transitioned right into the run. Patti showed me the route and we ended up running four miles rather than 3. Another really great training day. After we were done I was more aware than ever that I am ready for this race! It literally brought tears to my eyes! Lavaman here I come!

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